Missions serving all athletes, training, high level, sports development, youth and popular education, the areas of intervention of CREPS-Auvergne Rhône-Alpes (Vallon Pont d’Arc – Voiron – Lyon) are multiple and are aimed at all athletes and sports stakeholders.

The missions carried out by the organization respond to its vocation of operator of public policies of the Ministry in charge of sports and the Auvergne Rhône-Alpes Region, the educational dimension of the sports practices is a historic component of the organization. As such, with their support, CREPS thus becomes the first European Center for outdoor sports.

Located in Vallon Pont d’Arc in the Ardèche department, chosen land for the practice of sports and nature activities, it is the only organization in France that offers a State diploma (DEJEPS) allowing the holder to become a caving professional.

In this dynamic, the Center for Sports Expertise and Performance Resources is a member of the IFREEMIS Board of Directors in order to support it in its aims.

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